
Barrister Kamran Ilyas Law Chamber offers a comprehensive range of legal services to cater to all your legal needs, including:

Legal Advice

Providing comprehensive and expert legal consultations, our team guides clients through a wide range of legal matters. We ensure that you are well-informed and confident in your legal decisions, whether you are dealing with personal issues or complex business concerns. Our approach is tailored to each client’s unique situation, ensuring personalized and effective advice. From initial consultations to ongoing legal support, we prioritize clarity and thoroughness. Our experienced lawyers offer insights into potential risks and opportunities, helping you navigate the legal landscape with ease. Trust us to be your reliable partner in all legal matters, ensuring your rights and interests are protected at every step.


Offering professional arbitration services, we resolve disputes efficiently and amicably, bypassing the lengthy and often adversarial court procedures. Our experienced arbitrators facilitate fair and balanced settlements, ensuring that all parties reach a satisfactory agreement. We handle cases across various sectors, bringing our extensive knowledge and expertise to each arbitration process. We believe in the power of alternative dispute resolution to save time, reduce costs, and preserve relationships. Our arbitration services are designed to be transparent, impartial, and focused on achieving the best outcomes for our clients. By choosing our arbitration services, you are opting for a pragmatic approach to dispute resolution.

Family Law

Delivering compassionate and professional legal support for family-related issues, we handle cases with sensitivity and care. Whether dealing with divorce, child custody, or inheritance disputes, our priority is to ensure the best possible outcomes for our clients and their families. Our team understands the emotional complexities involved and offers tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. We provide a supportive environment where clients feel heard and understood. Our goal is to resolve family disputes amicably and efficiently, minimizing stress and disruption. With our expertise in family law, you can trust us to guide you through the legal process with empathy and professionalism.

Civil Law

Handling all aspects of civil law with precision and expertise, we address a broad spectrum of issues from property disputes to contractual disagreements. Our approach is meticulous and client-focused, ensuring that your rights and interests are upheld throughout the legal process. We have a deep understanding of civil law principles and leverage this knowledge to provide effective representation. Our team is dedicated to achieving favorable outcomes through strategic planning and skilled advocacy. Whether negotiating settlements or litigating in court, we work tirelessly to protect your interests. Trust us to manage your civil law matters with the highest level of professionalism and dedication.

Criminal Law

Providing robust defense and expert representation in criminal law cases, our team is committed to safeguarding your rights and ensuring fair treatment within the judicial system. We understand the gravity of criminal charges and the impact they can have on your life. Our experienced lawyers meticulously prepare your defense, challenging evidence and advocating on your behalf. From minor offenses to serious crimes, we approach each case with the same level of dedication and rigor. Our goal is to achieve the best possible outcome, whether through negotiations, plea bargains, or trial defense. With our extensive experience in criminal law, you can rely on us to fight for your rights and freedoms.

Corporate Law

Advising businesses on a wide range of corporate law issues, we provide guidance on compliance, mergers, acquisitions, and governance. Our team helps ensure that your business operations are smooth and lawful, mitigating risks and leveraging opportunities for growth. We offer practical and strategic advice tailored to your business’s specific needs and objectives. Our corporate law services encompass everything from drafting and reviewing contracts to navigating regulatory requirements. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, supporting them through every stage of their business journey. Trust us to be your legal partner in achieving corporate success.

Service Matters

Offering expert legal services for employment and service-related issues, we handle disputes, wrongful termination cases, and service condition challenges with diligence and expertise. Our team is dedicated to ensuring fair treatment and protecting the rights of employees and employers alike. We provide strategic advice and representation tailored to each client’s unique situation. From negotiating settlements to representing clients in tribunals, we approach each case with the same level of commitment and attention to detail. Our goal is to resolve service matters efficiently and effectively, minimizing disruption and fostering positive outcomes. Rely on us for comprehensive legal support in all employment-related issues.

NAB & FIA Issues

Representing clients diligently in cases involving the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), we ensure fair legal proceedings and protect your rights. Our experienced team navigates the complexities of these high-stakes cases with skill and precision, providing robust defense and strategic counsel. We understand the severe implications of NAB and FIA investigations and prosecutions. Our lawyers are dedicated to defending your interests, challenging unlawful actions, and seeking the best possible outcomes. With our expertise, you can face these legal challenges with confidence, knowing you have a strong advocate on your side.

Anti-Narcotics Cases

Providing specialized legal defense in anti-narcotics law cases, our team is committed to protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcomes. We handle these cases with the utmost diligence, understanding the severe penalties and social stigma associated with drug charges. Our approach is thorough, strategic, and client-focused. We scrutinize the evidence, challenge procedural errors, and advocate vigorously on your behalf. Our goal is to minimize the impact of these charges on your life and secure favorable results. Trust our expertise in anti-narcotics law to provide you with a robust and effective defense.

Election Law

Offering comprehensive legal services for election-related matters, we support candidates, political parties, and voters in navigating the complexities of election law. Our services include candidate representation, handling election disputes, and ensuring regulatory compliance. We are committed to promoting fair and transparent electoral processes. Our team provides strategic advice and legal representation throughout the election cycle. Whether dealing with pre-election issues, campaign regulations, or post-election disputes, we are dedicated to safeguarding democratic principles and ensuring justice. Rely on our expertise to manage your election law needs effectively.


Expertly handling appeals in higher courts, our team meticulously prepares and presents cases to challenge unfavorable decisions. We understand the intricacies of appellate law and are dedicated to achieving justice for our clients through well-crafted arguments and strategic advocacy. Our approach is thorough and detail-oriented. We analyze trial records, identify errors, and construct compelling appellate briefs. Our goal is to overturn unjust rulings and secure favorable outcomes. With our extensive experience in appellate courts, you can trust us to handle your appeals with the highest level of expertise and commitment.

Writ Petitions

Filing and contesting writ petitions for legal remedies, we protect clients’ rights through effective legal strategies and thorough representation. Our team is skilled in handling writs, including habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, and certiorari, ensuring that justice is served. We approach each petition with meticulous preparation and strategic planning. Our goal is to provide swift and effective relief through the judicial system. Whether challenging governmental actions or seeking judicial intervention, we are committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring your rights are protected. Trust us to handle your writ petitions with professionalism and dedication.